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纤维球过滤器原理及作用 纤维球过...





发布日期:2016-05-26 09:02:37 信息来源:河南华信环保




改性纤维球是由改性纤维丝结扎而成的,纤维球表面经过改性处理,对油及有机物的吸附能力增强;改性纤维球新型结扎方式,运行时滤层孔隙率沿水流方向逐渐减小,形成了比较理想的滤料上大下小的孔隙分布状态,过滤效果更好;滤速高,可达25-30m÷h。滤料只需每年补10%左右,无需更换。 改性纤维球与普通纤维球较大的区别在于是一种不同于纺织用染色性差的高分子聚合物----改性纤维丝束精细制作而成,亲水疏油,在对含油污水处理中具有效果佳、精度高、易冲洗、使用周期长等优点,广泛应用于油田、石化加工,印染等行业污水处理中。



Processing technology and properties of modified fiber ball filter material

Henan Huaxin environmental protection science and technology modified fiber ball filter after preheating, steam stretching, washing, drying, heat setting, curling, wire, tie knot, cut, packaging, processing and into. The modified fiber ball is by content ranged from 35% to 85% in the second and the third single body of copolymer spinning, the change of fiber properties very similar to wool, good elasticity, elongation20% rebound rate still can keep 65%, fluffy curly and soft, synthetic wool. The modified fiber ball is suitable for fine filtration of oily waste water in oil field, and it is also suitable for the fine filtration of other industrial waste water.

The performance characteristics of the modified fiber ball: 22. 1 ~ 48. 5cN / dtex, 1 ~ 2 higher than that of wool. 5 times. Fast performance excellent, outdoor exposure for a year, the strength decreased only 20%, this kind of fiber into the production of fiber ball with good elasticity, ratio surface area, high void ratio, filtration speed adjustable is preferred water filtering and high precision.

Modified fiber ball is composed of modified silk fibers ligation, fiber ball surface after modification, enhanced the adsorption capacity of oil and organic matter; modified fiber ball model ligation, runtime filter layer porosity along the flow direction is gradually reduced, the formation of the ideal filter material on the big small pore distribution, better filtering effect; high filter speed, up to 25 - 30 m / h. Filter material is only about 10% per year, no need to replace. Modified fibre ball with ordinary fiber ball is the biggest difference is a different in textile with dyeing of polymer - - fiber tow finely crafted and, hydrophilic oleophobic, of oily sewage treatment has good effect, high precision, easy to wash, the advantages of long cycle, widely used in oil, petrochemical processing, printing and dyeing industry wastewater treatment.


The mechanism of the removal of oil and organic matter from the modified fiber ball is direct interception, inertial interception and electrochemical adsorption. Before the filter water oil is less than or equal to 15mg / L = 10mg / L, suspended solids; filtered water oil is less than or equal to 5mg / L / L = 2mg, ss.



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